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Preparing for the New Year: How to Navigate Weight Stigma and Bias (Webinar)
December 8, 2022
Thursday, December 8, 2022, 9:00am-11:00am (PT)
Hosted by Accanto Health. Weight bias and weight stigma stem from environmental stimuli that include messages about shape, weight, size, appearance, and food bias. Attending to these stimuli is a critical component of eating disorder recovery and also a critical component for clinicians to attend to personally, given the subtle and overt impacts of weight and food bias on both individuals with eating disorders and clinicians.
Weight bias is increasingly recognized as a component of discrimination in employment, educational barriers, stereotypes in media messaging, and biased attitudes among health care providers, including in the ED field. These biases impact quality of life and have long and short-term health consequences. It is critical to first recognize our own biases, so that we can be present with our clients in ways that support recovery, not further inflict judgment upon those we serve.
This program will educate attendees on aspects of weight bias and stigma and how to identify and change biases in self and others, based on the literature in this area and what we know about how weight stigma and bias impact us individually, collectively, and in our work with clients and families. Timed to address the seasonal themes of “new year’s resolutions” for weight loss or fitness, this program weaves in ways to help set ourselves and our clients up for success in the new year. 2 CEUs are available.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe weight bias and weight stigma
- Identify 3 common elements of weight bias and stigma
- Name 3 ways our biases impact our interactions with clients
- Identify a specific bias to change personally
- Identify 3 self-care techniques to reduce personal biases impacting work with clients with eating disorders
*Cost: Free. Registration and more information here