The National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education shares a commitment to promoting understanding and cooperation among people of different racial, ethnic, religious, economic, and other various backgrounds. Explore a wide range of topics and viewpoints on demand by visiting the NCORE library of webinars and NCORE Virtual Connections, an online conference held in the fall of 2022.
Topics Include:
- Unbound: Freeing the Self from the Conditioning of Racism | A Workshop for People of Color
- Discovering Common Ground Across Differences: An Innovative Course on Facilitating Difficult Conversations
- Race in Medical Education
- Woke Olympics and Social Justice Arrogance
- Navigating academia in PWCs and Universities: A guide to equip first-generation students of color to thrive in higher education
- Introduction to Social Justice Models of Disability
- The Intersection of Strengths and Social Identity: Using the Clifton Strengths to Engage Conversation about Difference
Cost: Varies
More information here